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  2. Use the best online calculator for any math calculations on PC and smartphones. The free calculator allows you to quickly and accurately perform arithmetic, calculate percentages, raise to a power or take a root

  3. Simple Calculator


    The most simple mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. This is a simplified version of the online calculator. The full version you can get and use here: Calculator.

  4. Widgets Calculator


    We can do for you: 1. Calculator with special design for your website. 2. Calculator with special functionality for your website. 3. Development of individual calculator specifically for your website.

  5. Scientific Calculator


    Using this calculator, you can find the logarithm of a number, raise to a power, find a root square and, moreover, a nth root. A scientific calculator is easy to use online-there is no need to download or install it on your PC or laptop.

  6. Percentage Calculator online


    Choose the calculation accuracy by defining the necessary number of decimal digits in the dedicated pop-down menu. Percentage calculator makes calculations while you are entering numbers in the cells and the result is shown immediately. You can copy the result by clicking on the sum total.

  7. Ein einfacher Rechner - Online Calculator


    Ein einfacher Rechner. Die einfachste mathematische operationen: addition, subtraktion, multiplikation, division. Dies ist eine vereinfachte Version des Rechner Online.

  8. Mejor Calculadora simple - Online Calculator


    Calculadora Online. La calculadora permite hacer como los simples cálculos aritméticos, tanto calcular los porcentajes, hacer elevación a potencia, extraer la raíz cuadrada. Las operaciones online se hacen por medio del ratón o del teclado numérico.

  9. Calcolatrice online - Online Calculator


    Semplice, facile e veloce calcolatore on-line per i calcoli a casa, di lavoro o di studio. Con questa calcolatrice on-line è possibile eseguire non solo aritmetica semplice, ma il calcolo degli interessi, radice quadrata, elevamento a potenza.

  10. Vi mettiamo a disposizione con facile da usare calcolatrice per le più semplici operazioni matematiche: addizione, sottrazione, moltiplicazione, divisione.

  11. Calculatrice en ligne gratuit - Online Calculator


    Utilisez simple et facile calculatrice en ligne gratuit au travail, à l'école ou à la maison. Grâce à notre calculateur, vous pouvez effectuer des calculs simples et trigonométriques.